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Before the Epiphany

by (TL Publishing Group LLC)

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Epiphanies are meant to be shared, discussed and contemplated. From the most painful ones that squeeze that beating organ in our chest to the ones that cause us to cringe when face to face with the truth, they should be captured and memorialized. From the thoughts that keep us awake at night to the dreams that keep us wanting more sleep, they all deserve equal attention and appreciation. The poems in this book break down the elements that create such experiences. They transform these elements into the usable energy that fuels us. This energy is universal. It puts smiles on our faces, its pushes us into action, and it allows us to relive the sweetest moments of our past while eagerly looking forward to the future that awaits us.

Before the Epiphany is just that, the buildup, the moment before the breakthrough takes place. The poems inside this book reveal each pixel that creates the picture of an epiphany. Readers who are looking to be inspired, encouraged, and enlightened will be wise to join Saunders as she reveals the beauty in even the darkest moments of life.

Are you ready to discover what happened before the epiphany?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 93 Pages
  • File Size: 188 KB

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