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Jokes for Kids: Funny Bunny and Rabbit Jokes for Kids: Funny and Hilarious Rabbit Jokes for Kids (Funny Jokes for Kids)

by (Funny and Hilarious Joke Books - Joke King's Laugh Lab)

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Are you looking for the most funny and hilarious bunny and rabbit jokes online? Do you want to dominate joke battles and be the funniest person around? This joke book will make you giggle for hours with some of the funniest bunny rabbit jokes in the world!

The Joke King is back with another hilarious joke book full of funny, laugh-out-loud, crazy comedy and rabbit jokes for children of all ages, teens, and adults. This awesome joke book for kids is easy to read and full of laughs! It's a funny bunny joke book.

WARNING: This funny joke book will cause you laugh and be hoppy!

From this Funny Joke Book...

Q: Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world?

A: It has four rabbit's feet!


Q: Why couldn't the rabbit fly home for Easter?

A: He didn't have the hare fare!


Q: Where do rabbits go after their wedding?

A: On their bunnymoon!


Q: Which rabbits were famous bank robbers?

A: Bunny and Clyde!


Q: What's a rabbit's favorite song?

A: Hoppy Birthday to You!


Q: How do rabbit brush their fur?

A: With a harebrush!


Q: What do you call a rabbit millionaire?

A: A bunny with money!


Q: What do you call a chocolate Easter bunny that was in the sun too long?

A: A runny bunny!

Funny and hilarious rabbit and bunny jokes for children of all ages, teens, and adults!

Your funny bunny friends might not think these jokes are that funny, but you will be rolling on the floor laughing. This collection of rabbit and bunny jokes is one of the funniest collections in the world! These jokes about rabbits will make hop and giggle with laughter. This joke book is excellent for kids, children, teens, and adults. Johnny B. Laughing is the online comedy king!

Scroll up and click 'buy' to hop on your copy today!

100% Money Back Guarantee

Tags: rabbit, bunny, jokes, online, rabbit jokes online, book, books, ebook, funny, ebooks, comedy, hilarious, joke book about rabbits, bunnies, kids joke book, children's joke book, ebook, laugh, kids jokes, kids joke books, bunny rabbit, baby rabbits, childrens joke book, childrens joke books, laughing, best jokes, funniest jokes, rabbit jokes, bunny jokes, funny bunny, hilarious, jokes online funny bunny comedy, hilarious jokes, laugh, laughing, best jokes, funniest jokes, in the world, kids jokes about rabbits, funny rabbit books, kindle book, kindle joke book

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 19 Pages
  • File Size: 1,364 KB

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