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First Daughter (The Royals of Dharia, Book Three)

by (Twisted Space LLC)

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THIS IS THE THIRD BOOK IN THE Royals of Dharia Trilogy.
The war has begun, and with the Queen of Dharia on her deathbed, Aniri's excessively-proper eldest sister, First Daughter Nahali, finally sees her chance to claim the crown. Aniri and Nahali have never seen eye-to-eye, not since they were girls running through the palace courtyard, but with Prince Malik and Second Daughter Seledri kidnapped, Aniri can't afford to fight with her sister.

So she follows the First Daughter's orders and prepares for a war she fears will destroy everything she loves. Her sister has spent her entire life preparing for this job -- Aniri prays to the gods Nahali knows what she's doing.

But when the Queen calls the two Daughters to her bedside, she sends Nahali off to prepare for war... and tasks Aniri with a secret mission. She must go after the power-mad prince of Samir and stop his deadly skyship. It may cost Aniri everything, including a chance to ever return home, but she defies the First Daughter's orders and embarks on a desperate mission to save the people she loves from a war that will tear all three Queendoms apart.

FIRST DAUGHTER is the final book in the Royals of Dharia Trilogy. It is told from Aniri's point of view.

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  • We started tracking this book on September 16, 2014.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 434 Pages
  • File Size: 3,479 KB

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