



"Sudden turn of events" is something that everyone faces once in their lifetime. Some people manage to deal with it, while some lose their identity, trying to find their way out of it. This is the story of a girl who falls prey to those life changing events.

Alina has finished her college and is now forced by her parents to choose her family business in New York instead of following her passion for dancing.
While walking in the shoes of her parents, she gets caught up in the complexities of work life balance. With the passage of time she keeps becoming distant from her boyfriend (Jovi) who eventually breaks up with her, realising that he is being taken for granted.

As she attempts to move on from that heartbreak, she starts receiving anonymous letters. Each letter she receives opens several windows for her to introspect and re-evaluate her priorities.

Who is the anonymous writer?
Mason? Her neighbour with whom her friendship had started to grow deeper.
Mathew? Her colleague who loved her very much and wanted to marry her.
Is it Fred? Her best friend who always stood by her like a strongest pillar after her break up with Jovi


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 235 Pages
  • File Size: 1,045 KB

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