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A curse awakens...

Kate Waters finds herself in another nightmare when Brooke, a coven friend of priestess Thea Wright, is discovered electrocuted in her home. Thea fears it was the curse of the Goddess Rán embodied in an ancient statue thought to have washed ashore from the 16th century Spanish vessel, El Oro Señora. But after Kate uncovers the statue in Thea's house, she knows magic and curses have nothing to do with Brooke's death, and everything else to do with murder and deception.

The marked will face her wrath...

Unusual storms and frequent earthquakes along the Juan de Fuca have Kate diving deep into unknown territories and the closer she gets to the statue, the further truth sinks away from her. The curse manifests exactly as Thea warned, one that inflicts a mysterious symbol into the neck of Rán's next victim. When Kate bears the mark and another woman dies, she worries she is next, but from who or what? The vengeance of another or the wrath of the Goddess Rán?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 346 Pages
  • File Size: 1,208 KB

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