



In The Bulletproof Diet, Dave Asprey turned conventional diet wisdom on its head, outlining the plan responsible for his 100-pound weight loss, which he came to by "biohacking" his body and optimizing every aspect of his health. The unconventional plan urges you to skip breakfast, stop counting calories, eat high levels of healthy saturated fat, work out less, sleep better, and add smart supplements. In doing so, Dave says you'll gain energy, build lean muscle, and watch the pounds melt off -- just as he and so many others have.

Bulletproof: The Cookbook picks up where the diet plan leaves off, arming you with 125 recipes to stay Bulletproof for life and never get bored. Famous for his butter-laden Bulletproof Coffee, Dave packs the book with the delicious, filling meals he uses to maintain his weight loss and sustain his boundless energy. Once you get your hands on these mouthwatering recipes, you'll be hungry for more -- and this book is just what you'll reach for. The Bulletproof lifestyle is your blueprint to a supercharged life.

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  • We started tracking this book on October 16, 2016.
  • This book was £11.39 when we started tracking it.
  • The price of this book has changed 124 times in the past 2,915 days.
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  • This book has been £2.99 2 times since we started tracking it.
  • The highest price to date was £13.99 last reached on November 5, 2018.
  • This book has been £13.99 one time since we started tracking it.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 332 Pages
  • File Size: 36,220 KB

We last verified the price of this book about one day ago. At that time, the price was £2.99. This price is subject to change. The price displayed on the website at the time of purchase is the price you will pay for this book. Please confirm the price before making any purchases.