



Motorhome Living For Beginners (Volume 2)

There are plenty of people who are tired of their 9 to 5 jobs that tie them down to a home and mortgage and leave them little time or money for traveling. Traveling the world or even your small corner of the world is a dream many have, but few get to actually do. The lodging costs alone will deter most people from visiting places they have longed to see. Living in an RV full time changes all of that. Lodging is no longer an issue.

Costs for tickets to get to a destination is no longer an issue. The only issue is when can you leave? There are some special considerations that of course must be addressed before you sell everything and move into an RV and hit the road. However, if you are reading this, you have already thought long and hard about it and are ready to make the jump into full time RV living. You are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

This book will cover the ins and out of living on the road. You will discover some tips to help you conserve your resources, make money, and how to handle living with your kids and pets. You will also get some valuable advice about pulling a trailer should you go that route. And if you are not sure a travel trailer is right for you, don't worry, this book also explores the various types of RVs and how to pick the right one for you. There is a lot to consider when you move into an RV full time and it can be overwhelming. This book will help guide you through some of the decision making as well as provide plenty of valuable tips that have been proven to work by those who are already doing it and loving it!

With This Fully Illustrated Book You Will...

• Learn How To Plan Your New Life In An RV

• Learn How To Choose The Right Motorhome To Suit Your Particular Needs And Lifestyle

• Learn How To Clean And Maintain Your RV Including The Must Have Tools You Need To Do Emergency Roadside Repairs

• Learn How To Save Money, Water And Energy In An RV

• Learn New Tips To Living In An RV With Your Family And Pets

• Learn New Tips To Make Towing A Trailer As Safe And Stress Free As Possible

• Much, Much More

Readers say...

"Do you want to leave the city and experience Motorhome Living?This is a great guide for those who want to get away from the regular home-owning structure and jump into living light in some kind of motorhome. The tips and suggestions offered can be used by anyone, whatever their living conditions. It's all about economy and this book shares a bundle of cost-cutting ideas.This book provides a lot of helpful information about living independently in an RV. It shows you some of the things that you need to prepare and the different models of RV to choose from. If you're thinking about having an RV, I highly recommend reading this book first"... ella

"This book - RV: Motorhome Living For Beginners, is a complete guide for beginners about living in RV. It covers from planning your new life in RV, choosing the right motorhome, cleaning and maintaining RV, how to save energy and money in an RV, and more tips! Living in an RV is simply exciting but if you do not know where and how to start, it could be as stressful too. Nomadic living is also not secured as you do not know what awaits you down the road, compared to living in a fixed address and concrete house. But before being overwhelmed with worries, this book has got all the answers you need to know. Great Book for beginners!"... Andie F

"I've always wanted to live free, on the run and this book looked promising and it didn't disappoint. The language is easy t understand and there are some really useful tips in this book that really added value to my life. All in all, a great pickup... Recommended!"... Jason Hall

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 44 Pages
  • File Size: 1,203 KB

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