



A man (or a woman, or a thing) has always sought to unwind at the end of the day. To chat, maybe drink from a concealed flask and share a fine cigar.
Sitting in such groups, in the deepening dark of evenings, was something so utterly human that it has been unconsciously practiced on countless worlds across the galaxy.
On one such night, underneath the swell of the golden Antares supergiant and its vestigial blue twin Antares B, a deceptively simple party game provides clues to a mysterious and deadly history so vast and so forgotten that only one entity in attendance truly understands the implications.

Originally part of the Immortality Chronicles anthology curated by Samuel Peralta, this story now leads off The Endless Sea of Suns series.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 40 Pages
  • File Size: 575 KB

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