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Gimson's Prime Ministers: Brief Lives from Walpole to Johnson

by , (Vintage Digital)

(347 reviews)

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A concise, sharp-witted and illuminating account of the lives of Britain's prime ministers from Walpole to May, illustrated by Martin Rowson.

For the reader who has heard of such giants as Gladstone and Disraeli, and has drunk in a pub called the Palmerston, but has only the haziest idea of who these people were, Gimson's Prime Ministers offers a short account of them all which can be read for pleasure, and not just for edification. With Gimson's wonderful prose once again complemented by Martin Rowson's inimitable illustrations, this lively and entertaining aide-memoire and work of satirical genius brings our parliamentary history to life as never before.


'The most engaging and insightful account of PMs to have been published' Arthur Seldon, Standpoint
'Learned witty and wise, and splendidly illustrated' Tibor Fischer
'Hugely enjoyable' Tom Holland

Gimson's Kings and Queens is also available.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 336 Pages
  • File Size: 42,163 KB

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