



Detective Wilson Parker is now deep into the investigation of the series of murders that have been happening in the small town of Mayville, and he is now determined to prove that someone else other than his current house guest - Aria - is not behind those murders. But he has to keep hiding her from his work colleagues while he tries to prove her innocence, or an innocent person could be put into prison... or worse.
However, Aria tires of being stuck in his house under his and neighbor Ella's protection, and thus he allows Aria to be out and about around Mayville... but with extreme caution. He allows her to go back to her own apartment and even get a job at a local diner to make her feel at least somewhat normal.
However, upon her first return back to her own apartment, she finds a disturbing message left on her voicemail from her mother, having to do with the sister she had lost recently. Something neither she nor Wilson expected could happen.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 530 Pages
  • File Size: 1,536 KB

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