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The Green Cathedral: A collection of short stories

by (Dale Parnell)

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The Green Cathedral is a collection of contemporary-fantasy short stories that each pose a 'what if?' question.

In 'Rain', the United Kingdom has been subjected to twenty years of continuous rainfall and one journalist thinks he has found the reason why.
In 'Photographs' a young burglar takes on a mysterious group of people who have been stealing people's personal belongings.
And in 'The Jewellery Box' a lonely woman finds that a gift from a stranger has the power to change her life.

Seven stories, seven what ifs?

What if your house was haunted?
What if it never stopped raining?
What if a gift from a stranger could mend your broken heart?
What if we stopped talking to each other?
What if you met God?
What if babies really did grow under the gooseberry bush?
What if someone was stealing your photographs?

The Green Cathedral is the debut collection by Dale Parnell.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 215 Pages
  • File Size: 1,830 KB

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