



Within the rural town of Hollow Oak, there exists a mysterious place with an abundance of character - the abandoned farm known as Harvest Hill.

There have long been rumors of strange happenings that may have occurred on the property, but nothing that the Beans have witnessed firsthand... until tonight, that is.

Seeking to reward them for their recent efforts, Coach has taken the Beans on a camping trip to Harvest Hill. The intent is a simple night of relaxing beneath the stars; a well earned break from the monsters, mayhem, and mad scientists that have been running amok.

If only things could ever be so simple for the Beans. As they sit around the campfire, listening to Coach engage in the time honored tradition of ghost stories, things begin to go decidedly astray.

In the presence of an uncanny creature and events that cannot be explained, they begin to wonder if they may have stumbled upon an unhinged patch of Hollow Oak, a place that transcends the laws of the natural world. Despite their training to always seek scientific reasoning for the marvels they witness, they can't help but wonder - have they actually stumbled upon a genuine haunting?

"The Green Beans" is a series of middle grade novels featuring elements of adventure, mystery, science fiction, and the paranormal. Recommended for ages 9-13 (and anybody who is still young at heart).

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 195 Pages
  • File Size: 1,463 KB

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