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A broken man, Khraen awakens alone and lost. His stone heart has been shattered, littered across the world. With each piece, he regains some small shard of the man he once was. He follows the trail, fragment by fragment, remembering his terrible past.

There was a woman.

There was a sword.

There was an end to sorrow.

Khraen walks the obsidian path.

"Honestly, this is my favourite book. Best one I've read in my life, alongside (and on a par with) Prince of Thorns." --

"Insanely brilliant. Fletcher did it again." --

"Black Stone Heart is Fletcher's best novel to date, and that is really saying something coming from someone who can't stop talking about Beyond Redemption." --

"Readers will probably wonder about Fletcher's sanity before it's all over." --

"This is a riveting start to an excellent saga. The author has surpassed himself again and we are all luckier for it." --

"This book is AMAZING and INTENSE and DARK and WEIRD and all those delightful things that Fletcher is known for." -- Sarah Chorn, author of Seraphina's Lament

"This might be the best Fletcher book I've read to date. That's not a light statement, considering his oeuvre: Beyond Redemption, Smoke and Stone, The Mirror's Truth, and on, but I tore through this in less than four days, and it left me wanting more. More, more, more now." -- Clayton Snyder, author of The Obsidian Psalm

"Once again Michael Fletcher manages to spellbind you into this grimdark spiral of madness, and yet it feels so very fluent and logical it makes you take a double take at your own thoughts and emotions." --

"A dark tale full of unconventional ideas with that special kind of madness that only Fletcher can provide. Bring on the sequel!" --

"Black Stone Heart is, above all, addictive and compulsively readable - it forced me to prolong my lunch as much as I dared because I couldn't bear to stop reading it. If anything depended on me, I would forbid Fletcher to work on anything but The Obsidian Path series. I need the sequel." --

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  • We started tracking this book on March 3, 2020.
  • This book was £3.83 when we started tracking it.
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  • The highest price to date was £4.08 last reached on June 24, 2023.
  • This book has been £4.08 3 times since we started tracking it.


Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 382 Pages
  • File Size: 2,822 KB

We last verified the price of this book about 20 hours ago. At that time, the price was £4.00. This price is subject to change. The price displayed on the website at the time of purchase is the price you will pay for this book. Please confirm the price before making any purchases.