



Something strange is happening to Evie, a girl already troubled by the mysterious deaths of her parents. She is being transported across the quantum links that connect all life, to undo actions that have disrupted the natural order. She has no idea what she is doing, or even where she is most of the time. But if monsters, mind control and constant terror are anything to go by, she's had enough.

Life is never that simple though, not with Agathe around. The ruthless leader of OPOL craves control of all worlds, and needs Evie's energy to power lifoNET. She will stop at nothing to get it, aided by her menacing accomplice, Emil. Can Evie evade capture and restore the flow of life? Find out in this thrilling adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end!

For fans of adventure and science fiction.
"A new heroine is born... "

"... an exciting plot that twists and turns and takes you on a fantastical journey."

"... a truly wonderful tale of epic proportions."

"Written in a style for young adults that reminded me of early Heinlein."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 214 Pages
  • File Size: 30 KB

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