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Fight Dragons with Lightsabers..?

Take on Knights and Kings with a Fire Axe... ?

Are you ready to be a Dream Chaser?

Just remember that before you enter into the world of the dream chasers...

1.) Don't fall asleep. Your nightmares might contain dragons that will eat you.

2.) If you do sleep, avoid dark caverns. Goblins may lurk around that next corner.

3.) Frogs are not disgusting.

4.) Remember that in the dreamscape, nothing is real. Reality is still the only place you can eat pizza!

Riley had never felt she was special... but when she woke up in the hospital, the world as she knew it was about to change. With one touch she was brought into the dreamscape. She found herself facing down her first nightmare creature and saving a guy from a fierce dragon. It was in his nightmare that she met the Dream Chasers, a secret organization that travels into and saves people from their own bad dreams.

Riley has powers that other Dream Chasers do not possess. She can enter dreams with only a touch, and once there can do things that no other Dream Chasers could. Now they need her special talents because without her, they would never defeat their greatest foe... A dream wraith that is stronger and more powerful than they have ever seen.

The world is as large as your imagination

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 215 Pages
  • File Size: 1,972 KB

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