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Our Lunar New Year is the perfect book for young readers to develop an understanding of a beloved festival across multiple cultures.

This colorful book follows young Xiao Mi and her family as they celebrate the Lunar New Year, learning about revered traditions such as fireworks, customs, and a dragon dance.

It doesn't stop there - readers explore the festivities of other cultures, such as Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, and India, discovering the unique clothing, food, decorations, and activities associated with each culture. Children can join in the excitement of the Lunar New Year and learn to appreciate these vibrant traditions. Let them travel the world with Xiao Mi, Hang, Kwan, Malai, and Charu, experiencing firsthand how each one of the Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indian children and their families honor the Lunar New Year.

Whether it's dragon dances in China or firecrackers in India, Our Lunar New Year is the perfect introduction to this beloved holiday's beautiful and diverse customs.

Don't miss out on the celebration - get your copy now and start learning about these Asian holiday traditions and customs today!

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  • We started tracking this book on January 4, 2021.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 39 Pages

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