



"Genius." -Booklist

"Contains some real gems." -Publishers Weekly

"Thoughtful and compelling." -Stony Brook Press

A haunted father who discovers a place where incomplete things -- and people -- are made whole. A mischievous satyr who hatches a plan to set loose chaos on a global scale. A workaholic witch in search of her kitty companion. Invasive technology to rewrite the human brain. Dragon slayers. Zombies. Time travelers. Ice skaters.

These twenty short stories stretch across multiple universes and beyond death -- and yet, they remain intimate, personal, emotional. They demonstrate the strength of the human spirit to find hope and seek a better tomorrow in even the darkest times.

A selection of the best speculative fiction from DreamForge and Space & Time literary magazines, these are the stories we need today as we struggle through a pandemic, divisive politics, rampant misinformation, a belligerent defiance of facts and science, and new technologies that are already spiraling beyond our control.

Read, my friends... and take hope.

This short story anthology includes:

Answered Prayers By Scott Edelman
Pioneer By Mark Gallacher
The Ghost of a Smile By John Jos. Miller
The Spiral Ranch By Sarena Ulibarri
An Infinite Number By David Amburgey
Sing! & Remember By Lauren C. Teffeau
A Sip of Pombé By Gustavo Bondoni
Born from Memory By Jane Lindskold
Tea with Gibbons By Tyler Tork
The Weight of Mountains By L. Deni Colter
Sapiens By Davide Mana
The Dead Don't Dream By Gordon Linzner
Collecting Violet By Austin Gragg
Humani By John Palisano
Joy of Life By Alessandro Manzetti
Artifact By Jonathan Maberry
The Feline, the Witch, and the Universe By Jennifer Shelby
Hands of a Toolmaker By Eric Del Carlo
A Farewell to Worms By John Linwood Grant
A Glass Darkly By Ian Rogers

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 327 Pages
  • File Size: 2,849 KB

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