



A Humorous Contemporary Vampire Story
The Start of a Humorous Vampiric Family Saga
A Humorous Vampire Romance Series

A contemporary vampire story written in a humorous tongue-in-cheek style. It's a sweet vampire romance -- well, except for the dark vampire bits -- as Darius is not good when he's put under too much pressure. The characters are quirky and endearing.

Born into Victorian times, Darius now finds himself in the funeral business in Newport Rhode Island. He has carried around a broken heart for 200 years, until he unexpectantly falls in love again. Unfortunately, she is the daughter of a wealthy and elitist family who have no idea vampires are living behind their estate property.

Elizabeth Regan, a fourth generation socialite, is grooming her two beautiful daughters to find the right husbands. Translation? She's shopping them around the social registry and their local catholic church to find proper husbands. Mom comes close enough with her scheming to hear distant wedding bells for both daughters.

Then Darius the vampire enters the scene. The battle between vampiric powers and elitist power and influence ensues. Darius is holding his own until that pesky investigator shows up looking for his ex-girlfriend who happens to be a mobster's daughter.

It's a mysterious but sweet and humorous vampire romance that will steal your heart away.


The series is about the lengths to which desperation can drive a vampire to possess the one he loves.

For Ciara, who felt unloved and unnoticed in the world all of her life, it's a story of love and being chosen.

For Darius, it is a story of the power, control and manipulation he developed in his quest for blood, love and loyalty.

Ultimately, Darius must learn to give up up control and manipulation in order to find true love.

Each book can be read separately as each story has a beginning, middle and end. But they are best read in order to follow the full character arcs.

? Secrets, Lies, Deceit & Desperation
? True Love, Need, Sacrifice and Acts of Devotion
? Vampiric Obsession, Manipulation & Sabotage
? Secret Burials
? Vampires born anew
? Being chased by the mob
? Being investigated by a nosy uncle
? Being scrutinized by nosy family members
? But in the end, it's about True Love, Family Love and the human need for Freedom.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 234 Pages
  • File Size: 7,558 KB

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