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Following young Jack Moran's father's death from a car accident when Jack is a young teenager, Jack begins to be visited by deceased people from the afterlife, many famous (such as Sigmund Freud, Galileo, John Wiles Booth, Winston Churchill, Thomas Aquinas), others not, although they are representative of some historical significance. They are not ghosts, as Jack can see, touch, smell and converse with them. But only Jack, no one else. They seem to be preparing Jack, guiding him, to something he may be asked to do. Will his courage fail him when the time comes, or will his response trigger help from the supernatural?

Part coming of age story, part love story for his beautiful and future wife Sarah who comes to learn of Jack's "gift", the book is filled with historical references and facts, many related to his visitors from beyond the grave. Much of the story takes place in and around Washington, D.C., with Jack and Sarah both graduating from Georgetown University, and Jack's employment with the Smithsonian after graduation. The location offers an abundance of opportunities to meet a range of historic figures.

After surviving his first test of courage, and his marriage to Sarah and the birth of their daughter, tragedy strikes. Jack questions God's love, and why he would allow human suffering. But his faith is restored over time as he continues to explore God's mystery through others. And he is finally faced with another choice that may require him to commit to one more unselfish act. Part supernatural fantasy, part romance, part thriller, with elements of humor, wit, perception, and historical references, it ultimately is a story of life and death, the human condition, faith, love, and thoughts on the afterlife.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 320 Pages
  • File Size: 2,202 KB

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