



We are surrounded by stories. Not the sort about Pixies, but about real people. These stories, of who does what to whom and why, are told on the news and social networks, from boardrooms and bars, by experts and friends.
But whoever you hear telling them, it's important to bear in mind that that is all they are - stories: opinions of events rather than rigorously fact-checked accounts. And if we know anything about opinions, it's that very few of them are ever rigorously fact-checked.
Everyone perceives the world according to their ability to focus and remember - two actions that are notoriously unreliable. Two witnesses can each give their accounts of the same event as seen from the same place and yet give versions which at best are slightly varying and at worst totally contradictory (did he pick up the knife before or after she hit him?).
The people who claim to know about these things now say that over 50% of our memories (and possibly much more) are twisted in some way as to fit better our universe of beliefs.
In short, when we talk about something that has happened to us, we focus on, remember and emphasise the bits that support our world view and play down, subtley change or entirely omit those bits that don't.
As the listener, the danger is to forget that we're listening to someone's opinion and take it as the truth, the whole truth and nothing else. After all, it's much easier to not bother thinking about what has been omitted or exaggerated, especially if it's what we want to hear in the first place.
Less reputable journalists, thrive on this.
Therefore, as I feel it's important to remember that the accounts we hear might be told very differently by someone else, I've written the following pages, the well-known story of Snow White, but as it might have been told by her mother. If you simply enjoy the story for what it is, that's fine, but if it helps you remember that, regardless of what story you hear, there is always another point of view, it might just make the world a more open-minded and interesting place which I think would be better for everyone.
But that's just my opinion. What's yours?

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  • File Size: 1,489 KB

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