



Jeanne Robertson, one of America's most loved and respected speakers, is a humorist who has helped thousands of people add humor to their lives. Now her phenomenal success becomes an open book as she pulls the cork... and out pop seven 'potions' for developing a sense of humor. Those who sample her potions will develop a refreshing new approach to humor and the magic it works in our daily lives. Jeanne believes a sense of humor is one of the most important assets a person can possess. Her philosophy: a 'good' sense of humor is simply a lifestyle that can be developed and enhanced. In [this book] she provides step-by-step direction for that process. Jeanne explains the dynamics of humor. She also relates some of her uproarious tales. If you follow her philosophy, you'll soon be developing your funny bone and seeing humor in your own life.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • File Size: 13,635 KB

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