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Watch out Montreal. You're in for a fiery ride.

I knew three things about my life before adoption: I was a baby rescued from a blazing house fire, I was found in the arms of a dead man, and no one ever came to claim me.

No one. Not ever.

Now, as a Montreal detective, I'm dedicated to hunting truths for a living. Unheard voices. Cold cases. Unsolved mysteries. Unearthing secrets hidden in the shadows is my jam.

Until the fae veil falls...

When the world learns magic is real, everything changes. Montreal begins seething with prana energy, dormant genes activate, and seemingly normal humans experience magical awakenings.

I have an awakening.

Suddenly, everything I've obsessed over about my violent beginnings sucker-punches me in the gut. And what's worse -- the murderous factions who hunted me so long ago are back on my scent.

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

Incendio: Flame Born is book one of a spin-off series from Case Files of an Urban Druid and Chronicles of an Urban Druid before that. Join Jules and her found family as they fight the fight and discover who and what they are destined to become.

Go up and hit "Read for Free" or "Buy Now" and get ready to cheer for the Urban Elementals.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 348 Pages
  • File Size: 2,215 KB

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