



So, you think you know what happened during the Crusades. But do you really?

It's a good question to ask since there are plenty of misconceptions regarding what caused the Crusades, let alone what actually took place during their duration. In this book, we seek to clear up many of these questions and provide you with a concise and accurate history of the Crusades. Much of the history of the Crusades has been obscured through the years through opinionated conjecture. We attempt to set the record straight in as unbiased a portrayal as possible.

In this text, we tell you what happened and let you decide for yourselves what it was all worth. The Crusades were a call to defend Eastern Christians and aid Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. It was only once the massive earthquake of Christian crusaders was unleashed from the West that the Crusades morphed into something altogether different. This book explores how the scope and ideology of the Crusades evolved over time, from the conquest of Jerusalem during the First Crusade to the fall of the Crusader States.

We also take a look at other instances in which Crusades were made, such as the famous Northern Crusades and the Reconquista of Portugal and Spain. If you would like to learn more about what the Crusades were all about, what caused them to take place, and how it all ended up, this book has you covered!

In this book, you will learn about the following:

• How the Crusades actually began

• The initial objectives of the crusaders

• How the Crusades evolved over time

• The monastic orders involved in the Crusades

• The Kingdom of Jerusalem and its important rulers

• The Northern Crusades

• The Reconquista

• And so much more!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 106 Pages
  • File Size: 4,738 KB

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