



Behind closed doors, down quiet streets, through the night fog rolling along the coasts, and deep within thick shadows the world over, criminals, opportunists, and maniacs roam; their hands, feet, and minds busy with Illicit Motions. Within these pages are fourteen crime stories; take a trip through the seedy side of the everyday world, the violence of professional hits, the chances to break away from the tedium of normalcy, and much more.
Illicit Motions includes stories from Charles Ardai (winner of the Shamus, Edgar Allan Poe, and Ellery Queen awards, and founder and editor of Hard Case Crime), Michael Bracken (winner of the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer Award), Nick Mamatas (author of I Am Providence and The Second Shooter), Deborah Sheldon, (winner of an Australian Shadows Award), as well as Joe Allegretti, Serena Jayne, Chris Kuriata, Justine Gardner, Armand Rosamilia, P.M. Raymond, M.E. Proctor, Robert Petyo, Tom Milani, and Eddie Generous (founder and editor of Unnerving).

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 158 Pages
  • File Size: 2,671 KB

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