



We start with a performance of absolute terror in "Divine Violence," followed by one of the most disturbingly weird pieces of fiction I've ever encountered as an editor in "Mayo Monday" by Richard Shifman. We find cosmic horror in the workplace in "Capital Gains" followed by an investigation of a strange Halloween tradition in "The Scarecrow Chase." For a brief intermission, we have a nice cosmic prose poem in "When I Swallowed the Sun, I Kissed the Night" by Maxwell I. Gold.

Enjoy some traditional cosmic horror in a research setting and then at sea in "What Mel Knows" and "Flensing and Hyphae" respectively. As we begin to wind down, we have a weird take on a classic monster tale in "Universal Monster" before we descend to the crypt for part II of our presentation of Blackwood's "The Willows."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 135 Pages
  • File Size: 1,742 KB

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