



From the Winner of the Barbara Hammond Trophy and Amazon BESTSELLING Author

Forty years have passed since Bethia last set foot on Scottish soil and the country she once knew has changed beyond recognition. And it's not possible for her to live the quiet and unobserved life she seeks - the grand lady, with seemingly untold wealth, arrived from the mysterious land of the Turks accompanied by her handsome grandson, Ephraim, draws the attention of everyone, including the king.

Her brother Will now serves as a minister of the Protestant kirk in the East coast fishing village of Pittenweem. Bethia's steadfast catholicism and whether Ephraim is a secret judaiser are only some amongst Will's many fears, for the year 1588 brims with ominous portents.

Then dark rumours of the approach of the Spanish Armada spread like whispers on the wind. The looming menace must be resisted for, as John Knox once proclaimed, Scotland can bear no Cardinals.

"Fact and Fiction perfectly combined" Amazon Review

"These are tremendous novels whose subject resonates with today's world." Goodreads Review

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 336 Pages
  • File Size: 6,633 KB

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