



Tori stared at the screen. "Wait, what? How long is three hundred and fifty-five hours?"

"It's about fifteen days, Tori," the commissioner sighed. "If we don't get the trinity back online within fifteen days -- give or take -- there won't be enough power capacity left to bring it back up, and the reactor will be past the point of no return. Without the reactor, this ship is going to get very cold, and everyone will freeze to death."

Desperate to get the surgery she needs, Tori transfers aboard the Sailor's Gambit I to catch a vigilante. But the situation quickly unravels, and our unlikely investigator discovers that a serial killer on the loose is the very least of her problems.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 493 Pages
  • File Size: 6,667 KB

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