



Fifty hours of community service with the town's hot new math teacher. What could go wrong?

When the town sheriff catches me egging my dad's house, he gives me an ultimatum: stay in this town I hate to participate in community service, or risk potential jail time with a criminal mischief charge.

Only once I'm there do I learn the person facilitating my community service will be Nick Monroe, the town sweetheart who hides his rock hard body and surprisingly dirty mouth behind Clark Kent glasses and T-shirts proclaiming he 'hearts' math.

He plans an array of Christmas activities to spend down my hours, and while we build huts for the winter market and prepare the Christmas float for the high school kids, we become something like friends. Who kiss a little bit sometimes.

Before I know it, he becomes the sparkle of my season.

But I have my reasons for staying away from this town. High school trauma and a dad who never cared yet pops up every time I visit. And Nick has his own baggage to work through after his ex left him with a bluff, claiming he was too emotionless to fight for her.

Despite it all, as the holiday draws nearer, one thing becomes clear:

Nick Monroe is all I want for Christmas this year.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 293 Pages
  • File Size: 1,661 KB

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