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In the wake of a brutal interstellar war, the defeated survivors race out into the stars looking for a sanctuary in deep space. They head off to a distant corner of the galaxy on a desperate journey, seeking out a planet they believe sterilized of human life back in antiquity, where they can begin anew. They limp along in crippled, battle-damaged warships, short on food, fuel and spare parts, in the hope they can make it to their lonely destination without perishing along the way.
It is a nearly hopeless endeavor where the fleet struggles with starvation, impossible decisions and spirits sinking into the pits of despair.

If they are lucky, perhaps a handful of them will ultimately survive to start over again.

This book is a second edition.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 372 Pages
  • File Size: 1,596 KB

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