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Old Country


(95 reviews)

'An emotional and cinematic journey through the mountains of Southern Italy and into the scarred heart of an assassin... 'When elusive Italian hit man, 'The Winemaker', refuses to carry out a final job for his American crime... See More

FREE £1.99 Save 100% Price verified 5 minutes ago



(20 reviews)

Sex with a stranger can be riskier than you know... particularly if that stranger turns out to be a werewolf. A companion to -- or appetiser for -- my novel Camwolf. Two years ago a casual encounter in Stuttgart left Carl... See More

FREE £0.99 Save 100% Price verified 11 minutes ago

Trivia Quiz Book: 6,000 Knowledge Questions


(30 reviews)

Introducing the ultimate Trivia Quiz Book with 6,000 Knowledge Questions! Are you ready to test your knowledge and challenge your friends? Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-boggling questions with our... See More

FREE £0.80 Save 100% Price verified 36 minutes ago

Miguel's Secret Journal: Book One


(27 reviews)

Miguel is a 15-Year-old gay Latino teenager who lives in a very poor, violent section of New York known as South Bronx. He is a gifted artist and writer who has been emotionally and physically abused. He is afraid to come... See More

FREE £4.15 Save 100% Price verified 42 minutes ago

The Skye in June


(340 reviews)

June MacDonald is a girl with unusual abilities. Her fate is sealed the day she is born when her mother defies her husband by not giving their new daughter a saint's, as is their tradition. The decision forever sets the... See More

FREE £2.29 Save 100% Price verified 52 minutes ago

(4) Adrift (Dusky Hollows)


(40 reviews)

Love the Magic. Live the Adventure. Carrie's life has taken an unexpected turn. Her dad moved out and just remarried. Now Carrie will have to learn how to live with her step-mom and a new step-sister. Mrs. Huffity gives... See More

FREE £2.25 Save 100% Price verified one hour ago

The Journey Through


(17 reviews)

If we ever get the drift of how much God loves us, we will understand how he wants to show out and bless us and just let you know that He's around. Some call them coincidences,but I call them God-incidences that appear when... See More

FREE £0.82 Save 100% Price verified one hour ago

My No-Brain Cat


(6 reviews)

This charming picture book starts with grievances from a cat owner, but then switches to the cat narrating her secret life of night-time poetry, music, and teasing the family dog. The verse is playful and fun, the 22 pages... See More

FREE £2.67 Save 100% Price verified 2 minutes ago
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