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In the Days of Dread


(38 reviews)

In the Days of Dread THE STREETS OF LONDON WILL BECOME A WAR ZONE This action-packed near-future thriller is set in a world not too distant from our own and based on a version of London going through cataclysmic racial... See More

FREE £3.99 Save 100% Price verified 6 hours ago

Scrooged (Dark Musicals Book 4)


(8 reviews)

Stan Hope never cared much for his son-in-law -- Justyn Patko. His black clothes and body piercings were bad enough, but the ridiculous notion of dragging Rebecca off to Broadway with a new baby on the way pushes Stan over... See More

FREE £0.77 Save 100% Price verified 9 hours ago

You Don't Know Cat


(11 reviews)

Learn where cats really come from and what they are thinking. Enjoy planet Catnip and the cute Weapons of Cat- such as static electricity. A hilarious book based on the observations of my four cats. You will find this book... See More

FREE £2.37 Save 100% Price verified 17 minutes ago

Rhyming Books For Kids - Willy the Silly Panda: Bedtime Stories For Kids Ages 3-6 (Early Learners Bedtime Stories: Children's Rhyming Animal Books)


(1,160 review)

This book follows the story of Willy the Silly Panda, a fluffy panda who doesn't have any friends. He sets out on a journey to discover friendship, but will he succeed? This is the perfect bedtime story for kids aged 3-6... See More

FREE £7.96 Save 100% Price verified 47 minutes ago
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