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(293 reviews)

On a bitter night in January 1944 one last RAF bomber struggles on to the target alone with one engine out and its crew terrified, driven on by its burned-out pilot who needs one last mission to complete his tour. And all of... See More

FREE £2.49 Save 100% Price verified one minute ago

Back in My Day


(24 reviews)

Stressed out supermom and overachieving daughter clash in this witty '80s flashback. Were things really better "back in the day?" "It's Freaky Friday meets 13 Going on 30!"- Author Cindy Dorminy, Red Adept... See More

FREE £2.29 Save 100% Price verified 7 minutes ago

Bishop Street


(320 reviews)

"Bishop Street" is a heartwarming and redemptive novel that captures the complex relationships between four orphans and their lifetime of challenges. It's uplifting and with each turn of the page you fall more in love with... See More

FREE £0.77 Save 100% Price verified 8 minutes ago

Breaking Through the Barrier of Time: Tales of Those Who Have Entertained Visions, Visionaries, and Visitors from the Future (Paranormal and Unexplained Mysteries Book 9)


(89 reviews)

Time travel is an idea as old as humanity. Wouldn't it be great to go back in time or visit the future at will? Some claim they can but is this true or just fiction? Time. The innocuous ticking of the clock is a constant... See More

FREE £3.49 Save 100% Price verified 11 minutes ago

In the Days of Dread


(38 reviews)

In the Days of Dread THE STREETS OF LONDON WILL BECOME A WAR ZONE This action-packed near-future thriller is set in a world not too distant from our own and based on a version of London going through cataclysmic racial... See More

FREE £3.99 Save 100% Price verified 7 hours ago

Scrooged (Dark Musicals Book 4)


(8 reviews)

Stan Hope never cared much for his son-in-law -- Justyn Patko. His black clothes and body piercings were bad enough, but the ridiculous notion of dragging Rebecca off to Broadway with a new baby on the way pushes Stan over... See More

FREE £0.77 Save 100% Price verified 15 minutes ago

You Don't Know Cat


(11 reviews)

Learn where cats really come from and what they are thinking. Enjoy planet Catnip and the cute Weapons of Cat- such as static electricity. A hilarious book based on the observations of my four cats. You will find this book... See More

FREE £2.37 Save 100% Price verified 45 minutes ago
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