


1-Click-Author Code

Use the code below to manually install our 1-Click-Author

If you are unable to add our bookmarklets to your device using the drag-and-drop method required on the "Tools" page, you may be able to add them manually. To do this, you can create a new bookmark for the current page (Ctrl + D), then edit its properties to include the code below in place of the web address.

If your device is more complicated than this, I suggest searching Google for how to add bookmarklets to your device (i.e. "How do I add a bookmarklet to my iPad?" or "How do I add a bookmarklet to my Android phone?").

javascript:var%20title=document.title;if(document.title.indexOf("eBook:")>-1){var%20author=document.title.substring("eBook:")+6);author=author.substring(0,":"));}else if(document.getElementById("EntityName")){var%20author=document.getElementById("EntityName");author=author.innerText||author.textContent;}else if(document.getElementById("ap-author-name")){var%20author=document.getElementById("ap-author-name");author=author.innerText||author.textContent;}else{var%20pattern=/^*?): Kindle Store$/;var%20result=document.title.match(pattern);author=result[1];}if(author){author=author.replace(" ","+");location.href=''+author;}

The code above is intended to be used to manually create bookmarklets if your device does not allow them to be added by drag-and-drop. If you are on a desktop computer, it will be easier to add our bookmarklets form our "Tools" page. If you are not, I suggesting searching Google to see if you will or will not be able to use our bookmarklets.

Unfortunately, if you are unable to add our bookmarklets to your device, we are unable to offer you support. Devices vary so greatly that there really is no way for us to understand the inner-workings of each one.