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(463 reviews)

On the distant planet of Mirabile, a settlement of human colonists from Earth is jeopardized by the genetic mutants of Earth plants and animas like the Lock Moose Monster, the Frankenswine, and the dreaded carnivorous... See More

£2.95 £3.46 Save 15% Price verified 17 minutes ago

Skin Deep (I-Team Book 6)


(697 reviews)

Broken on the inside?? Megan Hunter has worked hard to get back on her feet, leaving the nightmare of her teenage years behind. The last thing she wants or needs in her life is a man. But when she is attacked by someone... See More

£3.99 £4.02 Price verified 43 minutes ago

The Killing Light (The Sacred Throne)


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The thrilling conclusion to Myke Cole's Sacred Throne trilogy Heloise and her allies are marching on the Imperial Capital. The villagers, the Kipti, and the Red Lords are united only in their loyalty to Heloise, though... See More

£2.99 £15.99 Save 81% Price verified 42 minutes ago

Laid-Back Camp Vol. 1


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Setting up a tent, starting a fire, and eating noodles with Mt. Fuji in view... Rin and Nadeshiko absolutely love to camp! Enjoy their zest for travel and maybe even pick up a tip or two about roughing it in the great... See More

£5.45 £5.59 Price verified one hour ago

Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture


(208 reviews)

The official line is clear: the UK does not 'participate in, solicit, encourage or condone' torture. And yet, the evidence is irrefutable: when faced with potential threats to our national security, the gloves always come... See More

£7.59 £8.64 Save 12% Price verified 2 hours ago

Delicious in Dungeon, Vol. 1


(1,169 review)

When young adventurer Laios and his company are attacked and soundly thrashed by a dragon deep in a dungeon, the party loses all its money and provisions... and a member! They're eager to go back and save her, but there is... See More

£5.45 £5.59 Price verified 2 hours ago

Little Man, What Now?


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The return of a "superb" forgotten masterpiece about a young couple living in Weimar Germany during the Nazi's rise to power (Graham Greene) Written just before the Nazis came to power, this darkly enchanting novel tells... See More

£0.78 £0.79 Price verified 2 hours ago
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