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Broken Pieces


(1,836 review)

Can three broken pieces make a whole? Josiah Evans is the orphan who lost both his parents. He's sweet, shy, and all heart. He wants nothing more than to be loved. Mateo Sanchez is the son of a gang leader. He's seen... See More

£3.03 £3.33 Save 9% Price verified 10 minutes ago



(22 reviews)

'A very funny, intelligent, deliberately and engagingly resistant, and moving piece of writing' Amit Chaudhuri A 'recovering writer' - his first novel having been littered with typos and selling only fifty copies - Frank... See More

£6.18 £7.99 Save 23% Price verified 48 minutes ago

The Glass Magician


(114 reviews)

Reminiscent of The Golem and the Jinni, The Glass Magician by Caroline Stevermer is a magical and romantic tale set in New York's Gilded Age. New York 1905 -- The Vanderbilts. The Astors. The Morgans. They are the cream of... See More

£7.42 £7.54 Price verified 2 hours ago

The Dark Beneath the Ice


(54 reviews)

Black Swan meets Paranormal Activity in this compelling ghost story about a former dancer whose grip on reality slips when she begins to think a dark entity is stalking her. Something is wrong with Marianne. It's not just... See More

£4.98 £7.90 Save 37% Price verified 4 hours ago
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